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  • Writer's pictureHannah Chung

The Importance of Managing Time (And All The Other Things In Life)

Welcome to my fifth blog post!! :)

I'm actually really surprised that I actually survived this week because I was so busy. I think it was one of the most busiest weeks that I've had so far. I've realized this week that the more things that I need to get done, the more important it is to prioritize what I need to do. I have been getting better at doing the things that are most important and necessary, but sometimes, it's still difficult to break old habits. Unfortunately, this week was one of those weeks where I struggled to manage my time efficiently/prioritize. So I wasn't able to workout at the gym this week except doing small workouts at home and cooking something simple.

This week, I made a grilled cheese sandwich for my mom. Here is the process:

1. Get your ingredients: cheese, bread

2. Toast your bread (once again, I just used a pan to toast the bread)

3. Place a slice of cheese on a piece of bread

4. Wait for the cheese to melt

5. Ta-da~ Enjoy :)

As I was going through my week, I learned that I tend to look too much into the future. What I mean by this is that I don't really focus on the things that I need to do at the moment but always try to look at what I need to do in the next three months. When I would worry so much about my future rather than the present time, I found myself feeling really stressed and scared. I think this is why I ended up feeling demotivated last week.

So over a period of time, I spent a lot of time talking to one of my teachers on how I could fix the problem I was having. I was able to come up with a solution to my problem and now, I'm able to feel a little bit more relaxed. I decided to write down a list of things that I plan to get done in one day. Then, I draw a little box around each of the tasks that I wrote down. Every time I finish them, I've started getting myself into the habit of checking them off until all of them are finished for that day. As I started to simplify each day with limiting myself to doing a few things each day, I've felt a lot better for myself in terms of stress and worrying about all my "responsibilities".

Like my really simple sandwich recipe, I've decided to let myself do things more in a relaxed way. I think up until now, I've stressed myself out so much that I didn't really know what to do when I had some time to myself (as I said last week in my blog). Although fixing my old habits will take some time, I've decided that it's okay to slow down sometimes.

I hope that I will slowly be able to improve myself little by little and make more progress on my project as well! Thank you for reading my blog! :)

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