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  • Writer's pictureHannah Chung

Finding Joy

Welcome to my tenth blog post!! :)

This week was a very weird week for me. Not in a bad way. Actually, it was the most productive that I've ever been since starting my project. I actually was really busy this week, but I was the most productive this week- which took me by surprise. I'm not actually sure how or why I became this way but I'm finally glad that I'm forming better habits.

I went to the gym three times this week which is a lot more than I usually go. I always had to force myself to leave my house to go to the gym but this week, for some reason, I didn't really have to force myself. I also realized that I like the fresh feeling that I get after working out. I think the reason that I was more productive this week was because I exercised.

I also started watching workout videos on youtube. I picked one out to follow and I thought it would be easy at first, but it was really difficult (it was a video for an ab workout). I'm hoping that if I continue to do it everyday, I'll see some changes and perhaps the workout will become less difficult than it is now. I think I really like doing workouts through watching videos because it was really convenient without having to go outside. Of course sometimes this method isn't very helpful, but for me it was a new change/addition to my workout, so it was nice to try it out. As of right now, I plan to keep on doing the workout from the video in addition to going to the gym.

I came to the realization this week that no matter how busy I am, I can always find time in my schedule to at least exercise for 5 minutes or just take some time off for myself. Although at times, I might think that I could be doing something else and not exercise, I think it will be better for me in the long run to set habits starting from high school so I can continue when I go to college.

This week I also cooked a new dish that one of my classmates recommended me to try. It apparently was a dish that a celebrity came up with: Egg Tteok-bokki.

Here is the process:

1. Get your ingredients: 1 onion, a pack of ë–¡, 3 eggs, butter, oil, salt, and pepper

2. Cut the onion

3. Put butter and oil into a pan and cook the cut onion

4. Boil the ë–¡ for about 2~3 minutes until it cooks and thaws

5. Place the cooked ë–¡ into the pan with the cooked onion

6. Crack the 3 eggs and mix

7. Pour the egg mixture into the pan with the onion and ë–¡

8. Wait for the egg to cook then mix everything together

9. Add salt/pepper

10. Enjoy! :)

I think this week was a very good week for me and I hope that starting from this week, I'll continue to set good habits for myself. I think I finally found a method that works for me to go to the gym often, so I will try to keep doing what I am doing for now.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day.

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