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  • Writer's pictureHannah Chung

My Check List: A Very Busy Week

Welcome to my fourth blog post!

This week was a super busy week (as you can see from the title) and I had a lot of things going on. Mostly I was busy because of school because I currently have a lot of assignments due in the next two weeks. I'm working hard to try and finish my list of things that I need to do.

But oddly this week in particular, I've realized that I didn't really know the purpose or find joy in learning something new. Classes were difficult to sit through this week and I made up excuses to start my homework later than usual. So I sat and I asked myself why I was feeling this way. Usually, I always tried to work hard and put in a lot of effort at whatever I was doing (school, hobbies, etc). I couldn't figure out a reason why I was losing motivation this whole week until a few days ago: I was burned out.

When I open my planner to write down a list of things I want to accomplish that day, it is full of little reminders and notes that important deadlines that are coming up. For me, school was (and still is) an enjoyable part of my life because it gives me something to work on throughout the week. But sometimes, I get really overwhelmed by all the deadlines and things that I need to do. When it comes to homework, tests, essays, and projects, I find myself wanting to do well on them every single time. I'm not sure why or when I started feeling like I had to do well, but that thought had always been at the back of my mind. I sometimes regret and complain about difficult classes, but because it was a choice that I made for myself, I think I put a lot of pressure on myself to do better.

This pressure to work hard has been a part of my school life for a long time. In fact, when I have some free time, I get a feeling that I should be doing something productive and start to feel a bit guilty that I'm not being productive enough. So in order to help myself feel a little less burdened and stressed, I've been trying to find what I enjoy doing instead of thinking about school all the time.

Now that I think about it more deeply, I feel like this is why I chose to exercise and cook for my project. Up until now, I had always done things because I needed to do them or just out of habit. I didn't do things that I really wanted to do. Exercising during the week and learning how to cook were on my new years resolutions for the past two years, but I had failed to do them every year until now. Running and cooking help me destress and not think about my responsibilities for a little while as I'm doing them, which is why I find myself enjoying it.

This week, even though I was really busy, I was able to workout two times on Monday and Thursday for about 30 minutes each day. As I was working out on Thursday, I thought to myself that in the future upcoming days, I should try to figure out a way to be less stressed about school work and focus on myself a little bit more in the next few months.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day! :)

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