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  • Writer's pictureHannah Chung

A Week of Compromises

This week was an interesting week. I actually went to the gym, but because of the high micro dust, the gym didn't open for awhile. So instead, I actually decided to come up with some more exercises (and new changes to my exercises) I could do at home. One of the things that I tried doing that was really new for me was walking up the stairs. This might sound a little silly. But, my family and I live on the 9th floor, so I walked up the stairs to go to my house. Apart from that though, I actually did some other small workouts at home.

What I did:

1. Plank (30 seconds)

2. Sit-ups (15 reps, 2 sets)

3. Wall-sit (25 seconds)

These days (especially this week), I tend to find myself spending a lot of time trying to figure out who I am as a person. I think the reason I try to do this so much is because I never really had the time during my sophomore/junior years to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. As I'm getting college results back, the reality that I have to leave in a few months is more a fearful event for me rather than something exciting. I really like the thought of going to college, but I think I'm scared that I won't be able to adjust well and make new friends. Even when I first came to BHCS, I remember telling my parents that I was really scared to change high schools because I hated (and still find it difficult) being in a new environment without anyone that I knew. Fortunately, I met such great teachers and friends which I'm still really thankful for.

Like I said in my blog last week, I tried to make changes to my day and how much I was worrying throughout the day because I realized that I was just getting more stressed. So as I planned out last week, I actually tried focusing on each day by checking the little boxes next to my list of tasks, rather than the things I had to do in the future. But often, I found myself worrying again. I think because we're not perfect, it's difficult to change our bad habits completely all at once.

I thought these days that it is really necessary to set tangible goals. Of course, depending on the person, that standard of "tangible" may be different. For me personally, I think it would help me the most if I learned to use my surroundings and set goals that would fit well within my own speed of how I complete certain tasks. I actually read an article the other day, and it talked about George Doran's SMART goals and how we should try to set our personal goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. I think these key factors would be beneficial for me to follow throughout the next week.

Thank you for reading my blog post :)

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