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  • Writer's pictureHannah Chung

A Smiley Face Sticker

Welcome to my third blog post!!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! For me, my week thankfully was very productive compared to last week. At the same time, I was really busy because I had a lot of assignments due for a lot of classes. But somehow I managed to pull through :)

I wrote on my blog last week that I was going to change how I was planning things and make my goals more specific. Instead of going to exercise right after dinner, I tried changing my schedule by going to the gym right after school. Because I changed my routine this week, I think I was a lot more successful and got a lot more done.

Below is a picture of the things I did this week:

Although it looks pretty empty, there were many things that I didn't write down into my planner on purpose. But! The emphasis is on the days that I went to the gym! Which is on Monday and Wednesday this week. Also, I ended up exercising a little bit at home because I was feeling a little bit lazy to go outside on Thursday.

The workout I did at the gym (same as last week):

1. Treadmill (30 minutes)

2. Leg Press Machine (20 reps, 2 sets)

3. Stretching (5~10 minutes)

4. Plank (30 seconds)

I think this week, I was able to prove to myself that if I really set my mind to it, I am able to overcome the excuses that I keep making in my head. I also think I found a stable schedule for me to go exercise after school. It was easier to go to the gym once I actually started to leave my house and told myself I would do something. I also realized that I felt really nice after exercising!

This week, was also a week for me to cook something as well. So I made a vegetable omelette for my family and myself. It was pretty hard to cook for me. I thought it would be pretty easy, but cooking the egg and flipping it over was really difficult. But nonetheless, it was relatively simple to cook in the mornings and didn't take too much time which was a good thing. Oh, and the visual aspect of my omelette turned out to look a bit distorted compared to how they look when professionals cook them because I had a hard time putting it on the plate. :)

My First-Ever Omelette Process:

How to cook a vegetable omelette:

1. Get your ingredients: 3 eggs, milk, onions, pumpkin (the small green one!), red peppers, salt, and black pepper

2. Wash your vegetables

3. Cut them into small pieces with a knife so they will cook easily

4. Cook the vegetables first in the pan

5. Crack the eggs into a bowl

6. Pour in milk and put in salt and pepper, then whisk!

7. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and wait for it to cook

8. Place the cooked vegetables onto the egg

9. Fold the egg in half!

10. And done~~!!!

I actually think that I'm enjoying working out every week and cooking once in awhile! I thought I was really bad at cooking but it turns out that I've never taken the time to actually try and follow a recipe. It was the first time that I didn't burn anything. I think I relatively enjoy trying new things that I never really did before. I'm excited to keep on working on my project and see myself improve both with cooking and exercising!

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!! :)

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